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资源编号 60584309
文件体积 28.8g
上装 / MD|Clo3D / 服装 19
MD120套女子服装基础版源文件 ; 8748 女性MD基础套件 ; 赠送 MD教程布褶打板图裁剪图 ; 00Marvelous Designer简介与基础知识 ; 01.裙子_Skirts ; 02.披风_Capes & Cloaks ; 03.上衣_Shirts & Tops ; 04.袖子Sleeves ; 05.连衣裙_Dresses ; 06.裤子_Pants ; 07.帽子_Hoods & Hats ; 08.男士三件套_3-piece Suites ; 09.工装裤_工装衬衫_紧身运动服_Military Clothes Workshop ; 10.睡饱_Marvelous Extras Bathing Robe workshop ; 11.外套_棉服_羽绒服_Jackets & Coats ; 2020年A站优质的MD布褶+ZB图文教程 ; MD必备打板图 服装裁剪图-剪裁图 ; 01.基础介绍_Introduction ; 02.点的操作与创建曲线_Segment Points & Curves ; 03.点_线_面的定数移动_Transforming by an Exact Distance ; 04.平滑圆角与点的水平操作_Rounding Corners & Aligning Points ; 05.3D视图基本操作和板片的镜像操作功能_Arranging Patterns ; 06.缝纫工具_All About Sewing ; 07.缝纫线显示方式_缝纫方式_缝线凹凸方向与强度_Sewing Line Types ; 08.两边缝纫长度调校_Sew by an Exact Distance ; 09.内部线提取板片和与之相反的操作_根据内部线抽褶皱_Internal Lines & Internal Shapes ; 10.边的抽褶与关闭_挖洞_内部线凹凸操作_Example Uses of Internal Lines ; 11.内部点的移动_内部线裁割板片_边线生成内部线_交叉提取板片_内部线水平生成_Modifying Patterns ; 12.板片的翻折模拟并配合内部线的凹凸应用_The Fold Arrangement Tool ; 13.省的操作与规定数值_Darts ; 14.服装材质1 颜色_高光_贴图的指定_All About Fabrics Part 1 ; 14.服装材质2 颜色参数与凹凸贴图详解_All About Fabrics Part 2 ; 14.服装材质3 贴图的移动_旋转_缩放_衣服里外厚度的材质指定_自定义贴图库_All About Fabrics Part 3 ; 14.服装材质4 凹凸贴图和法线贴图应用_All About Fabrics Part 4 ; 15.PNG格式图片的应用1_All About Fabrics Part 5 ; 15.PNG格式图片的应用2_Changes to the Texture Transform Tool ; 15.PNG格式图片的应用3_All About Fabrics Part 6 ; 16.厚度的显示与布料面数的调节_Pattern Thickness & Particle Distance ; 17.面料厚度1 调整与显示_具体的店主我也没看懂_New Pattern Thickness vs Fabric Thickness ; 17.面料厚度2 模拟_Thickness Rendering vs Thickness Collision ; 17.面料厚度3 厚度的凹凸_Curved Side Geometry ; 18.面料物理属性1 这种模拟跟服装面数有很大关系_十个参数也就四个有用_All About Physical Property Presets Part 1 ; 18.面料物理属性2 这种模拟跟服装面数有很大关系_十个参数也就四个有用_All About Physical Property Presets Part 2 ; 19.模特的测量_Measuring Avatars ; 20.面料的粘身程度和贴身距离Avatar Properties ; 21.枕头充气和羽绒服鼓包的制作_All About Pressure & Layer-Cloning ; 22.布料面批量选择与操作_The Selection & Pinning Tools ; 23.挽袖子向里折和向外折_Roll-up Roll-under Sleeves ; 23.挽裤脚向里折和向外折_Rolling up Trouser Legs ; 24.3D操作区的立裁操作_Tacking & Basting ; 25.板片冻结与重置_板片转换成obj橙色_四边化_翻转法线_板片快速缝纫_转变板片到内部与相反_肩垫的制作_层功能_Working with Patterns in 3D Garment Window ; 26.obj模型如纽扣的自动贴身操作_The Direct Positioning Tool ; 27.智能包边操作_All About Piping ; 28.缝纫线的凹凸方向与力度_The Scene Tab ; 29.安排面的操作1_Bounding Volumes & Arrangement Points Part 1 ; 29.安排面的操作2_Bounding Volumes & Arrangement Points Part 2 ; 29.安排面的操作3_ Bounding Volumes & Arrangement Points Part 3 ; 30.板片的UV操作_The UV Tool2 ; 31.板片的缩放1_Shrink-Weft Shrink-Warp Part 1 ; 31.板片的缩放2_Shrink-Weft Shrink-Warp Part 2 ; 32.模特与第三方模特等的姿势改变_All About Posing ; 33.裙撑子的制作_Lights Wind Gravity ; 34.MD软件内的走秀知识_All About Animation Part 1 ; 35.DAZ与MD的走秀知识_All About Animation Part 2 ; 36.第三方模型的定义与转换_The File Menu ; 37.输出设置_Export Options ; 01.简单的裙子_How to make a Gathered Skirt ; 02.露腿圆形裙_How to make a Circle Skirt ; 03.中裙_How to make a Flared Skirt ; 04.拼贴裙1_How to make a Paneled Skirt ; 04.拼贴裙2_How to make a Gored Panel Skirt ; 04.拼贴裙3_How to make a Paneled Handkerchief Skirt ; 05.千层裙1_How to make a Tiered Skirt ; 05.千层裙2_How to make a Peasant Skirt ; 06.蓬蓬裙_How to make a Layered Ruffle Skirt ; 07.一步裙_How to make a Tube Skirt ; 08.花瓣裙_How to make a Tulip Skirt 1 ; 08.花瓣裙_How to make a Tulip Skirt 2 ; 09.千褶花瓣裙_How to make a Draped Skirt ; 10.花瓣长裙_Making a Fancy Wrap Skirt 1 ; 10.花瓣长裙_Making a Fancy Wrap Skirt 2 ; 11.鱼尾裙_How to make a Paneled Fishtail Skirt ; 12.千褶鱼尾裙_How to make a Gathered Fishtail Skirt ; 13.雪纺裙_How to make a Layered Handkerchief Skirt ; 14.千层雪纺裙1_How to make an Asymmetric Fairy Skirt from a Handkerchief Skirt ; 14.千层雪纺裙2_How to make a Handkerchief Belly dancer Skirt ; 15.舞裙_How to make Witchy Skirt ; 16.校服裙1_How to make Box Pleats 1 ; 16.校服裙2_How to make Box Pleats 2 ; 16.校服裙3_How to make Box Pleats 3 ; 16.校服裙4_How to make Box Pleats 4 ; 17.褶裥裙1_How to make Stitched Top Box Pleats ; 17.褶裥裙2_How to make a Box Pleated Skirt with a Yoke ; 18.拼贴裙的款式调整1_How to make Rolled Organ Pleats ; 18.拼贴裙的款式调整2_Creative Rolled Design Ideas ; 19.千褶裙1_How to make Accordion Pleats ; 19.千褶裙2_How to make Sunburst Pleats ; 20.千褶裙的另一种做法_How to make Knife Pleats 1 ; 20.千褶裙的另一种做法_How to make Knife Pleats 2 ; 01.古装披风_How to make a Classic Hooded Cape ; 02.夜行披风1_Making a Multi-Piece Cape 1 ; 02.夜行披风2_Making a Multi-Piece Cape 2 ; 03.法式披风_How to make a Superhero Cape ; 04.节日披风1_Spiky Vampire Bat Cape 1 ; 04.节日披风2_Spiky Vampire Bat Cape 2 ; 05.牧师披风1_Vampire Cape 1 ; 05.牧师披风2_Vampire Cape 2 ; 06.丛林披风_How to make a Pixie Cape ; 07.传教士长袍1_How to make a Jedi Cloak 1 ; 07.传教士长袍2_How to make a Jedi Cloak 2 ; 08.高级教士长袍How to make a Wizards Cloak ; 09.战损披风_How to make a Tattered Torn Cape ; 10.风与披肩的动态效果_Quick Tip - Attaching a Cape to Avatars Armour-Costume ; 01.简单款式介绍_The Basics of making Shirts 1 ; 01.简单款式介绍_The Basics of making Shirts 2 ; 01.简单款式介绍_The Basics of making Shirts 3 ; 02.背心1_How to make a Sleeveless Shirt 1 ; 02.背心2_How to make a Sleeveless Shirt 2 ; 02.背心3_How to make a Sleeveless Shirt 3 ; 02.背心4_Tips for Adding Logos Wash Tags & Labels onto Clothes ; 03.背背佳_Sleeveless X-back Top 1 ; 03.背背佳_Sleeveless X-back Top 2 ; 04.长袖体恤_Recreating a Designer Shirt 1 ; 04.长袖体恤_Recreating a Designer Shirt 2 ; 05.T恤_Tennis T-Shirt 1 ; 05.T恤_Tennis T-Shirt 2 ; 05.T恤_Tennis T-Shirt 3 ; 06.荡领小衫_Cowl Shirt 1 ; 06.荡领小衫_Cowl Shirt 2 ; 07.蝙蝠袖针织衫_How to make a Dolman Sleeved Shirt ; 08.过肩袖T恤_How to make a Raglan Shirt ; 09.女衬衫_How to make a Formal Womens Shirt 1 ; 09.女衬衫_How to make a Formal Womens Shirt 2 ; 09.女衬衫_How to make a Formal Womens Shirt 3 ; 10.T恤裁片的拼贴_How to make an Elegant Long Sleeved Womens Shirt 1 ; 10.T恤裁片的拼贴_How to make an Elegant Long Sleeved Womens Shirt 2 ; 11.田园风上衣_Making a Sweet Shirring Shirt 1 ; 11.田园风上衣_Making a Sweet Shirring Shirt 2 ; 11.田园风上衣_Making a Sweet Shirring Shirt 3 ; 11.田园风上衣_Making a Sweet Shirring Shirt 4 ; 12.男T恤_Mens Tanktop and T-Shirt ; 13.Polo衫_Making a Mens Polo Shirt 1 ; 13.Polo衫_Making a Mens Polo Shirt 2 ; 13.Polo衫_Making a Mens Polo Shirt 3 ; 13.Polo衫_Making a Mens Polo Shirt 4 ; 14.男衬衫1_How to make a Mens Casual Shirt 1 ; 14.男衬衫2_How to make a Mens Casual Shirt 2 ; 14.男衬衫3_How to make a Mens Casual Shirt 3 ; 14.男衬衫4_How to make a Mens Casual Shirt 4 ; 14.男衬衫5_Enhancing the Mens Shirt with MD5 New Features ; 15.纽扣的制作_How to make Buttoned Cuffs for Shirts & Jackets ; 16.开衫卫衣_Making a Hoodie 1 ; 16.开衫卫衣_Making a Hoodie 2 ; 16.开衫卫衣_Making a Hoodie 3 ; 17.卫衣_Making a Mens Hoodie 1 ; 17.卫衣_Making a Mens Hoodie 2 ; 17.卫衣_Making a Mens Hoodie 3 ; 18.拉锁_Adding 3D Zipper Pullers to Clothes in MD ; 19.纽扣_Quick Zip How to make Nice Buttons in MD5 ; 01.袖子的简单介绍1_The Basics of Sleeves 1 ; 01.袖子的简单介绍1_The Basics of Sleeves 2 ; 01.袖子的简单介绍2_How to Roll-up Push-up Fold-up Sleeves 1 ; 01.袖子的简单介绍2_How to Roll-up Push-up Fold-up Sleeves 2 ; 02.挽袖子的制作原理_MD5 New Feature - Fold Arrangement Tool ; 03.喇叭袖_Lantern Sleeves 1 ; 03.喇叭袖_Lantern Sleeves 2 ; 04.露肩袖_Slashed and Open Shoulder Sleeve ; 05.蝙蝠袖_Angel Sleeves ; 06.长袍袖1_Hanging Sleeves 1 ; 06.长袍袖2_Hanging Sleeves 2 ; 06.长袍袖3_Hanging Sleeves 3 ; 06.长袍袖4_Hanging Sleeves 4 ; 06.长袍袖5_Hanging Sleeves 5 into a Bell Sleeve ; 06.长袍袖6_Kimono Sleeves ; 07.灯笼袖10_Puffed Sleeves 3 Puffed off a Notmal Sleeve ; 07.灯笼袖11_Adding Ruffles to Sleeve Bottoms ; 07.灯笼袖12_How to Make a Juliet Sleeve ; 07.灯笼袖1_Bishop Sleeves 1 ; 07.灯笼袖2_Bishop Sleeves 2 ; 07.灯笼袖3_Bishop Sleeves 3 ; 07.灯笼袖4_Big Fancy Bishop Sleeve 1 ; 07.灯笼袖5_Big Fancy Bishop Sleeve 2 ; 07.灯笼袖6_Gigot Leg-O-Mutton Sleeves 1 ; 07.灯笼袖7_Gigot Leg-O-Mutton Sleeves 2 ; 07.灯笼袖8_Puffed Sleeves 1 ; 07.灯笼袖9_Puffed Sleeves 2 Upper and Lower Puffs ; 08.花边袖_Ruffle Flutter Butterfly Sleeves 1 ; 08.花边袖_Ruffle Flutter Butterfly Sleeves 2 ; 09.花瓣袖_Petal Sleeves 1 ; 09.花瓣袖_Petal Sleeves 2 ; 09.花瓣袖_Petal Sleeves 3 ; 10.立裁袖_The Twisted Sleeve ; 01.连衣裙_How to make a Gathered Dress ; 02.裹胸连衣裙_How to make a Maxi Dress 1 ; 02.裹胸连衣裙_How to make a Maxi Dress 2 ; 03.低胸连衣裙_How to make a Polka Dress 1 ; 03.低胸连衣裙_How to make a Polka Dress 2 ; 04.多层连衣裙_How to make a Jolly Layered Dress ; 05.露背连衣裙_How to make a Sweet Spring Dress 1 ; 05.露背连衣裙_How to make a Sweet Spring Dress 2 ; 06.喇叭裙_How to make an Elegant Gored Dress 1 ; 06.喇叭裙_How to make an Elegant Gored Dress 2 ; 06.喇叭裙_How to make an Elegant Gored Dress 3 ; 06.喇叭裙_How to make an Elegant Gored Dress 4 ; 07.情趣短裙_How to make a Sexy Skin-tight Tigeress Dress ; 08.透视连衣裙_How to make a Bad Girl Dress 1 ; 08.透视连衣裙_How to make a Bad Girl Dress 2 ; 08.透视连衣裙_How to make a Bad Girl Dress 3 ; 09.情趣透视装_Sexy Tigress Part 1 ; 09.情趣透视装_Sexy Tigress Part 2 Cutting Dresses in MD5 ; 10.系腰百褶裙_How to make a Club Dress 1 ; 10.系腰百褶裙_How to make a Club Dress 2 ; 10.系腰百褶裙_How to make a Club Dress 3 ; 11.露背长裙_How to make an Elegant Long Velvet Dress 1 ; 11.露背长裙_How to make an Elegant Long Velvet Dress 2 ; 11.露背长裙_How to make an Elegant Long Velvet Dress 3 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 1 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 2 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 3 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 4 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 5 ; 12.少女蓬蓬裙_How to make an Unironed Box Pleat Dress 6 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 1 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 2 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 3 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 4 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 5 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 6 ; 13.古典长裙_How to make a Lady in Waiting Dress 7 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 1 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 2 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 3 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 4 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 5 ; 14.女仆装_Red Riding Hood Dress 6 ; 15.贵族长裙_Juliet Dress Walk-through ; 16.职场连衣裙_Executive Dress Tutorial 1 ; 16.职场连衣裙_Executive Dress Tutorial 2 ; 16.职场连衣裙_Executive Dress Tutorial 3 ; 16.职场连衣裙_Executive Dress Tutorial 4 ; 17.缝纫线的显示BUG 移动到不可见的地方_Fixing Gaps in Circle Skirts Issue with MD5 New Tools ; 01.简单的裤子_The Basics of making Pants ; 02.裤子破洞的操作_Skin-tight Leggings with Holes ; 03.舞蹈裤_Soft Wrinkly Yoga Pants 1 ; 03.舞蹈裤_Soft Wrinkly Yoga Pants 2